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Abstract submission for the 2025 EAMHID Congress in Ghent

Call for abstracts

We welcome you to submit an abstract for the upcoming EAMHID Congress “Unleashing talent, embracing diversity” from 18.09.2025 to 20.09.2025 in Ghent (Belgium).

Are you a person who embraces diversity and who wants to share this with a broader public? The congress will provide numerous possibilities for the professional community and for persons with disabilities to encounter, share, and discuss. This edition we want to focus on inclusivity, unleash talent and embrace diversity.

Submit your abstract
View of ICC in Ghent
Location in Ghent

Submit your abstract in time

Deadline for abstract submission is 1.3.2025.

We welcome submissions related to intellectual disabilities and mental health from researchers, practitioners and co-productive projects. We want to give the participants the choice to cooperate in lectures that differ on the range ‘more theoretic/ scientific – more practical/inclusive’.

The main congress language is English, but a Dutch or French track is also available.

Submit your abstract

Available Formats

Oral Presentation

This is an individual, stand-alone presentation. The time frame for an oral presentation is 15 minutes, with 5 minutes for discussion.

Solicited Symposium

This is a symposium with a series of talks on a specific theme with 3 or 4 colleagues. Joint/team proposals are welcome. The minimum number of speakers is three, the maximum is four. You must submit an overall abstract outlining the symposium theme as well as one abstract for each individual presentation. The time frame for each presentation is 15 minutes (20 minutes if only three speakers) and 5 minutes for discussion. List all presenting authors of the symposium in the “presenting author” section in the overall abstract. Use the + button to add more presenting authors.


Offers an opportunity for a practical discussion on a specific topic for 90 minutes. Workshops are intended to be interactive and offer the chance for discussion between the debaters and conference attendees.


Present research findings on a poster. All posters should be submitted in English with an accompanying abstract summarizing the poster. The poster abstract is due by 1st March, and the PDF containing the graphic poster can be sent by 1st July to the EAMHID Scientific Committee by email. Poster authors should be present during poster sessions to answer questions from participants, so please indicate the presenting author and participation preference. The best poster will be awarded a three-year free EAMHID membership.

The congress wants to highlight several topics:

  • Autism Spectrum Disorder and/or ADHD
  • Deinstitutionalization and community care
  • Emotional development
  • Forensic Care
  • Children

If your topic doesn’t fit into one of the categories, no worries. Submit your presentation and choose ‘other’.

If you experiences difficulties submitting your abstract by the ‘abstract handling tool’ ask for an alternative by sending mail to scientific committee: scientific.committee@eamhid.eu.

Since we want to be an all-inclusive congress, we give a warm welcome to all your inclusive presentations.

Recommendations to make your:

  • Presentation / workshop / poster more inclusive, you will find here

The scientific committee will award three prices:

The Anton Došen dissertation price

The best dissertation will be awarded with a five year frees EAMHID membership. You will have the opportunity to present your work at the auditorium of the conference.

A poster price

The best poster will be awarded by the scientific committee with a three year free EAMHID membership and will have the opportunity to present their findings at the auditorium of the conference

An inclusion price

This edition there will also be extra awards for the most inclusive presentation / workshop / poster. The selection will be made by a ‘team of inclusion experts’ (= persons with and without a disability). If you want to have your presentation / workshop / poster ‘checked’ by our inclusion ‘experts’, please contact us at inclusioncheck@konekt.be. We will help you further with your preparations. The winner will be awarded with a three year free EAMHID membership and will have the opportunity to present their findings at the auditorium of the conference.

Easy to read abstracts

We want to encourage each participant to write an Easy to read abstract (maximum 200 words). In the abstract handling tool (see link below) there is a possibility to add a PDF. The easy to read abstract will also be published in the abstract book of Journal of Intellectual Disability Research.

Please use this function to send your easy to read abstract. Click the button below for an example of an easy to read abstract.

Download example abstract

For any open questions please refer to the scientific committee at scientific.committee@eamhid.eu.

Submit your abstract here.

Submit an abstract

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