With an enormous supply of cuberdons and a mission, Glorian and Marijn traveled to Helsinki, Finland. At the EAMHID congress 2023, they listened to inspiring speakers and researchers. But they were also there to observe: how accessible is the conference, and what can be improved upon next time? After all, they will be co-organizing the EAMHID congress in 2025.
After a slightly nerve-wracking flight (“They’re not going to take our cuberdons at security, right?”), Glorian, Marijn, and their precious stash of ‘neuzekes’ arrived safely in Helsinki. A great start! The theme of the EAMHID congress was "Better Practices - Better Life." Engaging speakers shared insights on how to support the mental health of people with cognitive support needs.
At Konekt, we believe that nurturing talents helps people feel good about themselves. And we wanted to spread this talent-based vision to as many people as possible at the conference. Armed with cuberdons and tons of enthusiasm, Glorian and Marijn engaged with participants. They handed them a small sign, a marker, and asked: “What is your talent?”
Beyond fostering talent, Glorian and Marijn had another important mission: gathering tips to make the next conference in 2025 more inclusive. Glorian explained, “We paid attention to many aspects: Are the posters easy to understand for someone with cognitive support needs? Can wheelchair users not only enter the room but also access the stage? Are the language and explanation of the keynote speakers easy to follow? These are all crucial elements for organizing an inclusive conference.”
And that is exactly our goal. Konekt will be co-organizing the next edition in 2025, and we’re doing things a little differently: inclusive and co-creative—Konekt style. From the planning stages to the event itself, people with disabilities will take on meaningful roles.
Glorian had the honor of announcing this on the final day of the conference, with the video above and a speech. “I was a bit nervous because there were 560 people in the audience. But it went really well, it was amazing.”
In his speech, he shared his personal journey: “When I graduated from special education, I was told that day care would be the best place for me. But I wanted more; I wanted to break out of the system. At Konekt, I found Brake-Out, a talent development program. And now, here I am in front of you, as the co-host of the EAMHID congress 2025.”
We didn’t wrap things up with a standing ovation, but with a full-blown dance party—the first in the history of the conference. Mission more than accomplished!